Reseña de libro: Asia Central: análisis geopolítico de una región clave.
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Asia is the continent with the highest population density and the 49 countries
that make it up make it the largest continent in the world. The UN divided the Asian continent
into six subregions based on the historical, sociocultural and geopolitical development of its nations;
This last feature is essential to understand the current conflicts that countries such as Afghanistan,
Syria and Myanmar are going through, or to understand the migratory phenomena that make Turkey and Pakistan
the main destinations for refugees from this extensive region.
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El Yattioui, Mohamed Badine y Barona, Claudia (Coords.). (2021). México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre Asia y África. 287 pp. ISBN: 978- 607-30-4849-1

ACNUR. (2018, enero 31). Países de Asia. El continente más grande del mundo.

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